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The Past Masters of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 congratulate Bro. H. Eugene Geib (Center, in regalia) on being installed as the 100th Worshipful Master of the Lodge.
On Monday, December 15, 2014, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 installed its 100th Worshipful Master, Bro. H. Eugene Geib. Having been founded in 1915, the Lodge is celebrating its jubilee year in 2015 with Bro. Gene at the helm, who is stepping in as Worshipful Master for the second time.
Several Past Masters were on hand for the occasion and the 100th Anniversary celebrations were kicked off with a very tasty cake, depicting the Lodge.
Keep an eye out for all of the great activities the Lodge has planned for 2015 and join us in celebrating 100 years of Freemasonry in Elizabethtown!
On Saturday, December 13, 2014, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 hosted its annual Holiday Breakfast, at the Masonic Villages at Elizabethtown, in the Brossman Ballroom. Led by Bro. Dave Steffie, this event has traditionally been a huge fundraiser for the Lodge and this year was no exception.
Service started at 6 AM, with guests waiting early to get in and enjoy a delicious, all-you-can-eat breakfast of eggs, sausage, potatoes, onions, and scrapple, all coming from local vendors and farmers. Guests really started pouring in around 8:30 AM, and the Brothers kept busy serving, right up until the end at 11 AM. In total, more than 1600 patrons were served!
The money raised from this event goes into the charity fund of the Lodge, which enables the Brothers to assit the community in several ways, including donating to good works projects, assisting those in financial distress, and aiding the Masonic Villages at Elizabethtown.
Thank you to everyone who attended and we look forward to seeing you at our Pancake Breakfast in the Spring!
Dr. Abraham C. Treichler, for whom our Lodge is named, left an indelible mark on the Elizabethtown community. For years he, and his children, served the town and surrouding farms as physicians, assisting the sick when called upon. Becuase of his prominence in the area and his involvemennt in local happenings (including being a Freemason), the Lodge was named in his honor. Now, 100 years later, we continue to uncover interesting facts about the man that Dr. Treichler was.
Recently, while reviewing the records of Corinthian Royal Arch Chapter No. 224, an appendant body of Freemasonry that also meets in Elizabethtown, the original “Mark” of Dr. Treichler was found in the Book of Marks. I’m sure some are wondering just what a Mark is. From the website of the Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter of Pennsyvlania:
“It was customary for our operative ancestors to cut their “mark” or signature into each piece of stone they hewed for the building, so that their work might be identified. These marks may be seen today on the stones of many the old cathedrals of Europe. From this ancient custom grew the present day registration and use of “trademarks.” We see them countless times each day, identifying the products of our modern industrial concerns, but few know the origin of this custom.
In the Mark Master Mason degree, the candidate selects his own personal mark which is recorded in the Book of Marks, to be his own Masonic signature for all time. In this degree he learns the significance and symbolic meaning of the Keystone, the Chisel and the Mallet. In it, he receives his symbolic wage for good work, true work, square work.”
The Mark shown here is one that was personally designed by Abraham as his “signature” as a Mark Master Mason and is dated March 9, 1875. It contains a deer with several monogramed letters. We’re unsure of the symbolism of the Mark, but it provides an interesting look into the history of our Lodge and its namesake.
On Saturday, October 18, 2014, Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 was proud to welcome into the Fraternity Bro. William A. Barnett, a resident of the Masonic Health Care Center, who is 100 years old. He received the Degrees of Freemasonry at the First Masonic District’s One Day Class.
Pictured with Bro. Barnett, from left to right, is Bro. Jay W. Smith, Right Worshipful Past Grand Master; Barnett’s Daughter Patricia L. Sourbeer; his Grandson, Bradley T. Barnett, a member of Manheim Lodge No. 587; Masonic Villages Care Giver, Vicki Skees; and Bro. Larry A. Derr, District Deputy Grand Master for the First Masonic District.
Congratulations and welcome, Bro. Barnett!
Bro. Ron Carson, Worshipful Master of Lamberton Lodge No. 476, accepts the challenge from Alex Spence, Past Master Councilor of Elizabethtown Chapter.
On Tuesday, October 7, 2014, Elizabethtown DeMolay, represented by Alex Spence, Past Master Councilor, challenged Lamberton Lodge No. 476 to a membership contest as part of PA DeMolay’s “Take the Risk” campaign. You can read more about the program by clicking the link.
The young men have asked to have Treichler Lodge involved with them in the competition. They are hoping to have the Lodge as a partner in helping recruit more local members so that they can win the competition that will end on December 31st. If DeMolay brings in more new members than Lamberton Lodge, the Chapter members will receive special t-shirts and Lamberton Lodge will make a $200 to their charity – the Dyslexia Center in Lancaster.
Treichler members have attended a lot of DeMolay meetings and activities, which has been much appreciated, so we know that you understand how important DeMolay is. If you can continue to do this, really promoting members to get their children, grandchildren, relatives and neighbors into DeMolay, the Chapter would be very grateful and hopefully, so will they.
Now, let’s support our young men and help them take down Lamberton Lodge No. 476!
Earlier this month, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania dedicated a new monument on the grounds of the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown. The edifice, composed of an eternal flame mounted on an obelisk, will stand as a testament to those who have served our country and died bravely for it. Around the base of the monument are pavers and bricks, each inscribed with a name or message from a person or group who contributed to the cost of building the momument.
Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 is the home Lodge of a large number of veterans, including several Past Masters. Their contributions to our well being cannot be underestimated. Therefore, the Lodge was proud to sponsor a paver near the monument in honor of their sacrifice and dedication.
God bless our troops!
Bro. Larry A. Derr, District Deputy Grand Master for the First Masonic District, presented the Master Builder Award to Bro. Herb Ridyard, a member of Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682.
Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 congratulates Bro. Herb Ridyard, who was presented with the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania’s Master Builder Award at the stated meeting on September 15, 2014. Presented by Bro. Larry A. Derr, District Deputy Grand Master of the First Masonic District, the award recognizes Bro. Ridyard’s zeal for the fraternity. To earn the award, a newly raised Master Mason must complete 10 mandatory requirements and also participate in three elective choices. Full details on the program can be found on the Grand Lodge Website (off site link.)
We look forward to great things out of Bro. Ridyard and encourage all new Master Masons to try and attain this noble distinction!
We’re pleased to announce that the annual banquet for Abraham C. Treichler Lodge No. 682 will be held on the evening of Saturday, Nov. 1, 2014, in the Brossman Ballroom at the Masonic Village at Elizabethtown. Meals will be provided by Commonwealth Caterers, with prices and menus to be announced very soon.
This year’s entertainment will be provided by Mr. Chris Davis, better known as the Renaissance Man – an actor, author and comedian. In an effort to put his degree in Philosophy from Villanova University to the best possible use, he’s been entertaining and educating audiences of all ages since 1988. Shakespeare, Poe, Dickens, Greek Mythology and Kipling provide his material for interactive comedies which make history and literature more accessible and enjoyable, while giving audience members a chance to take a meaningful role in the performance. Oh…and juggling!
This show is perfect for all ages and offers a great chance for you to bring your whole family to the event. Mr. Davis is well-known for his excellent school based programs, so this banquet will be one that your kids and grand kids shouldn’t miss!
For information on The Renaissance Man, check out http://www.renaissance-man.com/.
As for tickets, watch for information from the Lodge very soon!
On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Bro. Stephen E. Poff, Worshipful Master, assisted Bro. Larry A. Derr, District Deputy Grand Master of the 1st Masonic District, with the presentation of two scholarships. These scholarships, awarded through the Pennsylvania Masonic Youth Foundation, will assist these two young ladies in completing their collegiate careers. Congratulations!